What Factors Motivate Users to Comment on Social Commerce Network: Evidence from Instagram Users

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Prof., Department of Management, Farabi Schools, University of Tehran. Qom. Iran.

2 Prof., Department of Management, Farabi Schools, University of Tehran. Qom. Iran.

3 Assistant Prof., Department of Management, Faculty of Commerce and Trade, College of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

4 MS.c., Department of Management, Farabi School, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran.



Communication is currently conceptualized as the act of transmitting or broadcasting content to inform audiences. Communication, as the core of social interaction, is vital for transmitting information between users and helps to understand the thoughts and feelings of others to maintain relationships. Communication also reduces the risk of rejection by providing opportunities for users to understand products and services, exchange information, and participate in co-creation. Currently, many people are active on social networks such as Instagram based on motivation. People on this network use various methods to express opinions, including stories, sharing text and images, commenting, etc. The purpose of this research is to identify and prioritize the motivations of these people for commenting.
Research Methodology
The present study is applied in terms of its purpose and descriptive and survey-type in terms of its method of data collection and analysis. The statistical population of this study was all users of the Instagram social network between October 2022 and August 2023. The statistical sample was 384 people based on the Cochran formula, and 400 people responded to it. Data collection was done using two methods: library and field. In the library method, the motivations for users to comment were extracted by a systematic review of the research literature; to validate the identified motivations, a questionnaire was prepared and filled out by experts; finally, after filling out 20 questionnaires and examining the variables using a single-sample t-test, a number of variables were extracted and a number of new motivations were suggested by experts, which were added to the previous variables. To collect field data, a questionnaire tool consisting of 24 closed-ended questions and 5 demographic questions was used. The validation of the research model was done using confirmatory factor analysis, and the Friedman test was used to rank the motivations using two softwares, SPSS and Amos.
Finally, the findings of this study were that all the motivations for commenting were desirable, and the most important variable was the variable of achieving positive emotional states (9.41), the second rank was reserved for the variable of relieving stress and psychological pressure (8.46), similarly, the variable of informing others (7.95) ranked third, the variable of sharing the pleasure of a product (7.79) ranked fourth, the variable of being a pioneer in word-of-mouth advertising (7.51) ranked fifth, the variable of promoting a specific idea or thought (6.77) ranked sixth, and the variable of trying to become famous (5.59) ranked last.
Discussion & Conclusion
Instagram is a very practical space for those who want to achieve more fame in a short time, as we see in the case of many bloggers in this space. Less famous users can connect themselves with more famous people by commenting, as we see under the posts of famous people, some comments are pinned that receive more attention than the rest and their owners achieve some kind of fame. Many people in the real world are involved in daily stress and psychological pressure; these people may comment to vent these feelings. Bloggers or virtual celebrities (politicians, movie actors or footballers, etc.) who have unique distinctions may be the target of these people so that they can vent the psychological pressure they are under with their comments. Correctly identifying this motivation and responding to it correctly can properly control this feeling in users and is applicable. The number of users of the Instagram social network is very large, it is also easier to find people who share our beliefs; This is a suitable space for users who have a common intellectual direction, or for people who have religious or political beliefs and want to expand their beliefs or identify like-minded people, this motivation is very applicable. Businesses that have an information aspect for conferences, articles, festivals, discounts, special sales, tourism, participation in classes and training courses can use the motivation of informing others to comment. This motivation is also applicable for audiences who need to obtain information about unknown store businesses. Correct identification of this motivation attracts the audience and increases revenue. All businesses on the Instagram network can use the motivation of being a pioneer in word-of-mouth advertising because this is free and does not cost anything, and on the other hand it also increases revenue and visits.


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