The Relationship between Message Characteristics of the Perceived Nuisance of Matching Advertisements and the Analysis of its Impact on Web

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc., Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics, Management & Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.

2 Associate Prof., Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics, Management & Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.

3 Instructor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics, Management & Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.


Nowadays, users reluctantly accept traditional marketing methods such as traditional advertisements and consider them irritating. Accordingly, a significant reason for the growth of matching ads is to avoid disturbing digital media users. Matched ads are integrated into platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs, news outlets, and other media people used by people to utilize the content. Despite the fact that it is challenging to do matching ads appropriately, new platforms and technologies have made it possible for marketers to apply the right methods to target users in relevant environments. Therefore, matching ads is a bright spot in the digital media market and has quickly grabbed the attention of marketers and advertising professionals, and matching ads have a leading position in social networking services because they deliver compelling messages to consumers with integrated content. While matching ads serve a valuable function in avoiding the disturbance of users, few studies have been carried out on the effect of message characteristics on the perceived disturbance of matching ads and analyzing their consequences in the media. On the other hand, based on the theoretical background of the present study, three variables (transparency, information attractiveness emotional appeal) have been identified as message characteristics that influence users' perceived annoyance with matching advertisements. In addition, the impact of the perceived annoyance of advertisements on the level of resentment and attitude of users towards similar advertisements has been investigated. According to the above-mentioned contents, the purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of message characteristics on the perceived nuisance of similar advertisements and to analyze its consequences on websites.
Research Methodology
The present research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of method, it is considered part of descriptive-correlational research. The statistical population was all the students of Yazd University who were exposed to similar advertisements from 2014 to 2016. Based on Cochran's formula, the number of samples was determined to be 250 people. To collect data via a  questionnaire , which includes 44 closed questions, 10 questions of information attraction (10-1), 8 questions of emotional attraction (11-18), 4 questions of transparency (19-22), 9 questions of perceived annoyance (23-31), there are 6 questions about the attitude towards advertisements (32-37) and 7 questions about resentment (38-44) with a 5-point Likert scale (1- completely disagree, 2- disagree, 3- no opinion, 4- agree and 5- completely agree) It has been used to measure the variables of the conceptual model. This research has investigated the relationships between variables using PLS3 software and structural equation modeling. The reason for using this software is that there is no need for normal distribution compared to other available software. In this research, perceived annoyance is a dependent variable for information attraction, emotional attraction, and transparency, and perceived annoyance is an independent variable for resentment and attitude. In order to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the research results, the technical characteristics of the questionnaire were evaluated in terms of validity and reliability, using different criteria. The validity of the questionnaire was evaluated and confirmed through content and construct validity. To measure the content validity of the tool, the opinions of professors and experts about the subject were used, and to measure the construct validity, the model of structural equations of convergent and divergent validity was used. In order to determine the convergent validity, the extracted average standard deviation index (AVE) was used, and for the divergent measurement, the extracted root mean-variance index was used. The average standard deviation extracted for the variables in this change is higher than 0.5 and indicates its high validity. Also, the reliability of the questionnaire tool was measured using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability. Also, given the fact that Cronbach's alpha of all variables was higher than 0.70 and the overall alpha of the questionnaire was calculated as 0.85, it can be concluded that the research tool used has a good level of reliability.
In order to check the fitness of the model, it was checked at three measurement, structural and general levels. Several criteria are used to check the fitness of the structural model of the research using the partial least-squares method, which is the first and most basic criterion of significant coefficients or t-statistic values. For the fitness of the structural model using t-coefficients, the figure must be greater than 1.96 in order to confirm their significance at the 95% confidence level. The results of the examination of this criterion showed that the obtained values, whose critical value is greater than the critical value (1.96) at the 95% confidence level, have been confirmed. Latency is endogenous to the model. In this research, the considered criterion is for resentment (0.803), attitude towards advertising (0.803), and perceived annoyance (0.865), so the structural model has a good fit from the perspective of this criterion at a strong level. Q2 criterion for all Dependent constructs are calculated and it represents the product of the combined values ​​of the research constructs in the values ​​of the coefficient of determination related to them. In the present study, this criterion was used for resentment (0.750), attitude towards advertisements (0.737), and perceived annoyance (0.823).  This result shows the high and acceptable fit of the structural model of the research. The general model includes both parts of the measurement and structural model, and by confirming its fit, the fit of the model is completed. Therefore, the overall fit of the model is possible with the help of the GOF goodness of fit criterion. According to the obtained value of 0.878 for GOF, the overall fit of the research model is very appropriate and approved. Finally, the t-statistic has been used to check the assumed relationships between the variables. To measure the main hypothesis, five sub-hypotheses have been used, and the t-coefficient corresponding to the five existing relationships has been confirmed.
Discussion & Conclusion
The present research has results that have implications for those who currently use matching ads, as well as managers and marketers who wish to implement matching ads in their strategy in the future. More research shows that the creation of non-intrusive matching advertisements has positive effects in relation to customer satisfaction, the effect of advertisements, increasing profits, and reducing the cost of advertisements. Researchers express the importance and the value of information in accepting informative and useful advertisements that help the customer to buy a specific product, and information appeals in advertisements promise more tangible, practical, and useful rewards. They also state that informative content has a positive effect on advertisements, and advertisements with useful information are considered less intrusive. Therefore, informational advertising provides information about a product and invites users to cognitively process information, and creating effective advertising has long been a key issue in advertising, marketing, and business research. Two elements of advertising design - namely, informational and emotional appeals - are widely recognized as the key determinants that influence advertising effects and are considered to be an effective factor in the effectiveness of brand marketing and advertising. They also state that advertising with emotional appeal retains longer in the audience's mind and is considered more attractive and effective, and the content of such messages engages the person with the product and has a better effect on the person, and has a positive effect on the user's understanding of the brand and on the purchase decision. Also, messages that have emotional appeal are shared more often, and in the surveys conducted, advertisements that contain humorous and emotional content are considered less disturbing, and this type of advertisement is considered more effective than non-humorous information and has significant effects on attitude and the behavioral response of consumers. Therefore, it can be said that the transparency of advertisements in the sender and the source of advertisements leads to the establishment of a reliable relationship between the brand and the consumer and is a form of respect for the privacy of users. Also, transparency in matched advertisements has a positive effect on users and supports the content of the site. The ability of consumers to identify the advertising source and commercial brand is effective and prevents users from being deceived. They also state that the transparency of advertisements should be placed in a suitable place so that their commercial nature is revealed and users can see the content of identical advertisements that are transparent from a commercial point of view. They accept it. Therefore, in an advertisement, while the content of the advertisement is presented, transparency in the brand and the source of the advertiser should be placed and presented in a suitable place. Therefore, according to the nuisance theories, advertisements that interfere with users' goals will lead to resentment and they will avoid those advertisements, forced exposure to an advertisement will lead to a psychological reaction, and users will avoid intrusive advertisements. Also, researchers state that expanding similar ads on social media and the effect of electronic lifestyle has reduced the number of users avoiding ads, and this factor causes a decrease in user resentment, but an increase in resentment leads to a decrease in the level of user participation and a decrease in user loyalty.


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