The Impact of Social Media on Reputation, Sanctity, Equity, and Brand Advocacy: A New Investigation in the Digital World

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Prof., Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics, Management & Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.

2 PhD. Candidate, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics, Management & Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.


Social media is a powerful tool that allows brands to interact with their audience. These interactions can contribute to the reputation and sanctity of the brand and increase its value in the eyes of the audience. Additionally, brand support can be strengthened through social media. The growing technology and impressive influence of the media have led to a global movement. However, one downside of using all kinds of new and interactive media is evident. One of these media that has been gaining momentum in recent years is Video-On-Demand (VOD) services. The activity of these platforms in our country has expanded rapidly in the past years. Among the video-on-demand services operating in Iran, according to reports received, Filimo is the largest platform of Iran's home television network. Social networks allow consumers to create and share self-generated content and enable them to interact with the company and other consumers while using it. Interestingly, the application of such new constructs in the service industry has changed the way consumer behavior is explained. Theorists and academics have shifted their focus from consumer attitudes to consumer emotions. Understanding consumers' emotions is crucial because most of them are driven by them. Love, hate, passion, jealousy, and intimacy have a vital place in the study of branding. The findings of this study are expected to contribute to the literature related to the effectiveness of social media marketing in creating brand support through brand reputation, sanctity, and brand equity. Since among the conducted research, a comprehensive model regarding these five variables has not been presented, but both variables have been investigated separately and their relationship with each other has been explored; therefore, these five variables together have been the basis of the current research. There is a research gap to investigate this issue. Therefore, in this study, the impact of social media on brand support was measured through the mediation of reputation, sanctity, and special value of the brand among the customers of the Filmo platform.
Research Methodology
This research is applied in terms of its purpose, and in terms of type, it is cross-sectional and descriptive. It uses the structural equation modeling analysis method with the help of SPSS and Smart PLS3 software. The statistical sample of this research consisted of 196 Isfahan customers of the Filmo platform who were selected using a simple random sampling method. The validity of the questionnaire has been evaluated and confirmed through content and construct validity. To measure the content validity of the tool, the opinions of professors and knowledgeable experts have been used. To measure construct validity, the model of structural equations of convergent and divergent validity has been used. In order to determine convergent validity, the average standard deviation index was extracted. To measure divergent validity, the root mean index of the extracted variance has been used. Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability were used to measure reliability.
According to the research hypotheses of structural fit using t coefficients, these coefficients should be more than 1.96 to confirm their significance at a confidence level of 0.95. However, it should be noted that the t-values only indicate the validity of the relationships, and the intensity of the relationship between the structures cannot be measured with them. Path coefficients also indicate the positive or negative effect of one variable on another variable. All the hypotheses of the research were confirmed due to their higher t-value of 1.96. The findings of this research showed a direct and meaningful relationship between social media and reputation, sanctity, special value, and brand support. Additionally, the results indicate the mediating effect of reputation, sanctity, and special value in the relationship between social media and brand support.
Discussion & Conclusion
Social media allows brands to reach their target audience through targeted advertising and acts as a mediator between the brand and the audience. In this way, brands can enhance their reputation and attract more patronage. By utilizing social platforms, the Filmo brand can establish closer connections with its audience community and provide engaging and fresh content. This active communication with the audience increases recognition and awareness of the brand, thereby strengthening its support. Consequently, Filimo's marketing and communication strategies should evoke interest in the brand to elevate it to a higher level of sanctity, enhancing the likelihood of converting customers into brand advocates. Moreover, by marketing through social media and facilitating communication and collaboration between the Filmo brand and its customers, it is possible to boost the reputation and popularity of the brand, increase its value for customers, and ultimately reinforce brand support


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