How to Choose the Right Social Media Networks for Marketing Using CoCoSo Method (Case Study: Semnan Industrial Management Institute)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of industrial engineering, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran.



Advertising in today's world is one of the most powerful means of increasing awareness in introducing and introducing companies, goods, services or ideas and views. Advertising is an effective communication method that marketing experts use to communicate with their target audience. To attract the attention of consumers, advertisements must be creative based on appropriate analysis, such as risk-to-income analysis, so that customers can analyze the issue properly. In recent years, with the advent of the Internet and virtual networks, the scope of advertising has increased in this field. With the emergence of virtual networks and its expansion on the Internet and the increasing access of people to smartphones and these networks, it seems that the world of advertising has also undergone a change and many people spend a lot of time on this network every day. For this reason, these networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, YouTube and Telegram provide a suitable space for advertising. But the question is which digital platform best suits each company's advertising needs. In this research work, a company was selected as a sample and checked which social network it should use for its advertisements on the Internet.
Research Methodology
In order to achieve the goal of the research, after reviewing the literature, ten internal and external platforms (information network) were identified for advertising. Multi-criteria decision-making methods were employed. The use of multi-criteria decision-making methods in solving organizational problems is compatible with the complex nature of organizations. Organizational decision-making is one of the most important and fundamental tasks of management, and the realization of organizational goals depends on its quality. So, from the point of view of one of the experts in the field of decision making, Herbert Simon, decision making is the main essence of management. Then, based on the opinion of the experts, five criteria were defined for choosing the best platform. In the following, the decision matrix was compiled with the opinion of experts and the networks were ranked using the method of CoCoSo. This method is a multi-criteria decision-making method for prioritizing options based on criteria using weighting based on sum and power. "Combined compromise solution" is a translation of combined compromise solution, which is known by the short form of CoCoSo. The purpose of this method is to evaluate N options based on M criteria and finally identify the best option.
In this research, first, after reviewing the relevant literature, ten primary information platforms were selected, which include: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, YouTube, Aparat, Eita Messenger, and Telegram. After defining the criteria and using the CoCoSo method, the ranking of these sites was done. As a result, Telegram, Instagram and Aparat information platforms were selected as appropriate tools for advertising. Finally, in this research work, data sensitivity analysis was used to validate the results. The purpose of sensitivity analysis is to check the result of changing the data in the model and the results. Undoubtedly, the change in the data of the decision matrix or in other words, the change in the obtained scores of the options based on the criteria, brings different results and the investigation of this issue will not have any special results. But the changes in the weights can show a proper analysis of the sensitivity of the method.
Discussion & Conclusion
This research work sought to answer the question that which internal and external information platforms can be suitable for the marketing of an organization. In this regard, Semnan Industrial Management Institute was selected as a research case. The company was looking for a suitable internet platform for advertising.  In this regard, after defining the options (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, YouTube, Aparat, Ita Messenger and Telegram) and criteria (influence, ease of access, popularity, participation of specific customers in this method) , time-consuming and final) and using the multi-criteria decision making technique (CoCoSo method), the problem was solved and at the end the information platforms of Telegram, Instagram (external) and Aparat (internal), They were chosen as suitable tools for advertising. Therefore, the representative industrial management Institute of Semnan province can make a suitable choice in this field. Then, a sensitivity analysis was performed on the decision model, and the results show that the model has shown good resistance to changes, and most of the options have maintained their ranking weights despite the random changes.


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