Media Management Review (MMR) is a peer-reviewed journal that uses a double-blind refereeing procedure. The main goal of Media Management Review is to broaden the knowledge on media management with the aim of not only providing the media management researchers with better access to the literature in the burgeoning field of study but also helping media managers make evidence-based decisions. All intellectual rights of this journal belong to the University of Tehran. Media Management Review publishes the articles in Persian. However, all manuscripts are also published in the form of long abstracts (1500-2500 words) in English to let the international researchers learn about the findings of the articles. The journal’s scope covers all research studies dealing with management issues of media organizations through approaches such as systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-synthesis...This Journal respects the rules of ethics in publications and is subject to the regulations of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) and follows its guidelines about how to prevent and combat plagiarism in scientific research.


Current Issue: Volume 3, Issue 3, 2024 

Publication Information

Univrsity Of Tehran Press

Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Executive Director English Text Editor
Online ISSN

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